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    Sicilian Wine Taster

    9 Feb

    Sicilian Wine Taster

    Hi my name is Giovanni Carbone and I am a wine tester.  I am at your disposal to give you information about Sicilian wines, Sicilian cellars and winery.


    Giovanni Carbone was born in Vittoria. After graduating in political sciences with a political-administrative address at the University of Urbino and a relevant work experience, he is completely absorbed by the world of automobiles, in which he first gained considerable experience as an enthusiast and then as commercial manager. Subsequently, he developed a completely personal project, transforming his hobbies into work experiences, dealing with dissemination in the world of wine, visits and tastings for one of the most important wineries in the area;


    “Classic”, a term that could refer to something past, not current, static, instead the only DOCG Cerasuolo di Vittoria of Sicily can be considered a modern, current, transversal, in some ways fascinating wine because thanks to the wines used for the blend and at different serving temperatures it manages to combine with different types of food, enhancing its characteristics, Cerasuolo di Vittoria DOCG is a perfect union between NERO D’AVOLA, which gives the wine its power, structure, depth and possibility of having a longer life, and the FRAPPATO, the oldest grape variety in the province of Ragusa, which gives the wine its fragrance, fragrance and brilliance.

    Cerasuolo di Vittoria is a perfect match with Mediterranean dishes, with meat both in sauce and roast, semi-seasoned Ragusano DOP, pasta with sardines, with meat sauce, with roasted tuna with onion, tomato and capers.

    Cerasuolo has an ancient history and a modern life!

    Eugenio Scrofani


    • Judith Brown
      9 November 2016 at 14:23

      Curabitur scelerisque ex at semper molestie. Fusce fringilla volutpat purus iaculis convallis. Fusce cursus felis sit amet justo suscipit, nec convallis magna porttitor. Nam sed lobortis ante, sit amet mattis purus. Nunc tincidunt mollis felis, sed bibendum ligula auctor et.

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