A tour guide in Palermo
Beeing a tour guide is my passion. I love my city and even better I am proud of showing its beauties and contrasts to the people who want to visit it. I am a friendly, positive and flexible person. I have been an official tour guide since the year 2000, the year I received my offical license. I was born in Palermo and I have lived in my hometown for almost all my life. At the age of 19 I moved to London to study and work. I liked living in London but my family and duties brought me back to my amazing city. Palermo is unique with its beauties and incredible diversity. I can guide you throught the Unesco Sites, the local markets, the treasures and folklore of my wonderful city. I am sure you will have an enthusiastic, professional and informative tour with me.
“To have seen Italy without having seen Sicily is not to have seen Italy at all, for Sicily is the clue to everything.” (Johann Wolfgang von Goethe)
I look forward to meeting you and showing you around!
Please contact me at giusifiamingo@gmail.com
Judith Brown
9 November 2016 at 14:23Curabitur scelerisque ex at semper molestie. Fusce fringilla volutpat purus iaculis convallis. Fusce cursus felis sit amet justo suscipit, nec convallis magna porttitor. Nam sed lobortis ante, sit amet mattis purus. Nunc tincidunt mollis felis, sed bibendum ligula auctor et.
Tasha Stewart
9 November 2016 at 14:29Curabitur scelerisque ex at semper molestie. Fusce fringilla volutpat purus iaculis convallis. Fusce cursus felis sit amet justo suscipit, nec convallis magna porttitor. Nam sed lobortis ante, sit amet mattis purus. Nunc tincidunt mollis felis, sed bibendum ligula auctor et. Etiam a erat sit amet augue tincidunt euismod.