Easter in Sicily
Erice is a charming medieval town overlooking the city of Trapani.
I have been to Erice last Easter with a small group of people and I had the opportunity to see the very impressive Procession of the Mysteries. It started from trhe Church of Saint Julian. Wood and glue sculptures of scenes of Christ’s Passion are supported and carried by people belonging to craft guilds along the streets of the historic town. Every Year many people take part at the Procession and thousends of people come from all over the world to look at the spectacular Procession. My guests and I have been very impressed by the Representation of the Passion and Death of Christ. Hundreds of Processions are organised in all Sicily in the meantime. Tomorrow will be the celebration of the Resurrection of Christ .For the first time millions of people in Italy will not take part at the Cerimony in their churches, because they are closed, but in their homes.
I hope next year you will have the opportunity to come and visit us and take part at very impressive Procession of the Mysteries in Erice, Trapani, Caltanisseta or Palermo.
Judith Brown
9 November 2016 at 14:22Curabitur scelerisque ex at semper molestie. Fusce fringilla volutpat purus iaculis convallis. Fusce cursus felis sit amet justo suscipit, nec convallis magna porttitor. Nam sed lobortis ante, sit amet mattis purus. Nunc tincidunt mollis felis, sed bibendum ligula auctor et.
Tasha Stewart
9 November 2016 at 14:30Curabitur scelerisque ex at semper molestie. Fusce fringilla volutpat purus iaculis convallis. Fusce cursus felis sit amet justo suscipit, nec convallis magna porttitor. Nam sed lobortis ante, sit amet mattis purus. Nunc tincidunt mollis felis, sed bibendum ligula auctor et. Etiam a erat sit amet augue tincidunt euismod.